This photo of a car crash kept showing up in Google's image results today - Tech News Hhigh School

This photo of a car crash kept showing up in Google's image results today

This photo of a car crash kept showing up in Google's image results today ,

Google's image search tool experienced a bizarre problem this morning: users around the globe reported that they were seeing images of a car accident appear alongside results for innocuous search terms like "puppies" and "kittens." The same image was showing up everywhere, and no one was really sure why. The first few photo results for any search were what you'd expect to see, but suddenly about halfway down the page, every result was replaced by the same image pulled from the accident scene of a 2012 auto wreck that killed three people.

Users traced the source image back to this Ukranian article about the accident. Since the crash occurred nearly two years ago, it seemed unlikely that this was something nefarious like a coordinated hack, though many were left wondering. Google confirmed later in the day that it was a glitch on the company's side of things and apologized for the strange mishap. "The least we could have done was show everyone micropigs instead," a spokesperson told The Verge.

Based on reports across social media and Reddit, it was still affecting users as of 9AM EST this morning. The bug wasn't limited to one specific region; reports came in from overseas and throughout the United States. Aside from the car crash image, other people reported seeing Kevin Durant appear in searches completely unrelated to the NBA star.