Apple's long-awaited wearable device, often referred to as the iWatch, will debut alongside two new iPhones set to be unveiled on September 9th. That's according to a new report from Recode, which also claims that the product will be deeply integrated with Apple's health tracking tools — coming as part of iOS 8 — and even tap into home automation through HomeKit, another new feature of the upcoming software. Rumors have long pointed to Apple's wearable putting a big focus on health, so that tidbit isn't exactly a revelation.
But we've yet to truly see Apple's grand vision for controlling electronics throughout the home with HomeKit. At WWDC, the company revealed that iPhones will be able to control garage door openers, lights, security cameras, and other networked devices — all through iOS without any need for extra apps or other tacked on software. Presumably the wearable will share many of these capabilities. Daring Fireball's John Gruber first floated the September 9th unveiling earlier this month, but later indicated he was kidding and had "no idea" whether Apple's wearable is indeed coming on that date.
It feels like we've been talking about Apple's smartwatch (or whatever form the wearable takes) for years now; the road to a new product category has been long, but we're finally coming up on the grand reveal. Apple has yet to issue press invites for the rumored September 9th event, so anything could change between now and then. But it sounds like the Apple wearable is really happening in less than two weeks. After the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, it's nearly time for Apple to show the world its next "revolutionary" product.