HTC may have let slip a tease of its upcoming Android Wear smartwatch. It turns out that a new video focused on HTC's lauded design department also offers an extremely brief peek at something else: an unnannounced wearable. The watch appears on an employee's desk around 35 seconds in, attached to some sort of stand or charger.
Getting a closer look requires zooming in significantly, so it's difficult to see much of the hardware's design beyond the square face. We're left clueless as to what the band looks like, for example. An artist's reproduction of HTC's upcoming watch (with a steel band) was recently published by @evleaks. The device here — what we can see of it, anyway — seems to match that mockup. But this could easily be a prototype that's still due to undergo more changes. HTC has said it will have a wearable ready in time for the holiday season, so you'll likely be seeing the eagerly anticipated Moto 360 arrive on shelves first.
A magnified look at the watch in HTC's video. (HTC Source)