GoPro's $60 'Fetch' harness captures a dog's perspective of the world - Tech News Hhigh School

GoPro's $60 'Fetch' harness captures a dog's perspective of the world

GoPro's $60 'Fetch' harness captures a dog's perspective of the world ,

There's now an official GoPro harness designed to help attach the company's action cameras to your dog and capture the world from a canine's perspective. It's called Fetch — because of course that's the name they chose — and it retails for $60.

The harness has mounting locations for both a dog's back and chest; GoPro says the former should produce unique over-the-head footage of your pet running around the dog park, barreling through a training course, or playing fetch. Finally you'll be able to see the other side of those tug-of-war battles. The chest perspective, by contrast, will get you an up close and personal look at a dog digging up your yard or chewing on a bone. Or you can go crazy and put two GoPros on your pet to be sure you're not missing anything, ever.

The harness is nicely padded and fully adjustable, so it can be strapped to hounds of nearly any size. (The chest mount can even be removed in case there's not much clearance between your dog's belly and the floor.) And everything's washable and water-friendly, so you can even record your dog's swimming excursions — if that's something you want to do. The Fetch mount is scheduled to ship starting tomorrow, and GoPro's offering a 30-day money back guarantee in case your dog ends up hating the whole thing. And let's be real: it looks like the two dog friends pictured above aren't really digging it. Fetch didn't arrive in time for National Dog Day and the corresponding flood of Instagram photos, but there's always next year.