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T-Mobile's next 'Uncarrier' announcement coming September 10th ,
T-Mobile is going to try shaking up the wireless industry again on September 10th. The carrier has just sent out invitations for an "Uncarrier 7.0" event taking place at one of its own stores in San Francisco early next month. There's no big stage show this time, and T-Mobile's tagline for the upcoming news is: "This time it's personal." The event's scheduled to kick off at 1PM PT / 4PM ET, and we'll be bringing you whatever announcements John Legere and Co. make to set T-Mo apart from the competition once again. In case you've forgotten, some of T-Mobile's previous "Uncarrier" initiatives have included a move away from two-year service contracts, 200MB of free tablet data each month, free international data coverage, unlimited music streaming that doesn't affect data usage, and more. What's next? We'll find out soon enough. September's sure shaping up to be a busy month.