Explaining Snapchat to a friend who's never tried it can be a challenge, but explaining the ephemeral messaging app to a grown-up is almost impossible. Someday, however, these grown-ups are going to foot the bill for sponsored content or ads on Snapchat, so the company is starting early and sharing an instruction manual with advertisers for understanding the service. Digiday got its hands on the deck, also embedded below, which covers the in's and out's of Snapchat in greater depth than anything else the company has released. "At Snapchat," the deck reads, "We're bridging the gap between the digital and real-world, and we're just beginning."
Some fun facts therein include details about Snapchat's user base, 50 percent of which is aged 13-17, and stats about usage, including how Snapchat users open the app 14 times per day on average. The deck comes right on time with recent Snapchat experiments like Our Story, a collaborative flipbook of users' snaps at music festivals, and filters, colored lenses for your photos that might also contain logos or symbols to represent where you are. Snapchat hasn't made money from any of these experiments thus far, sources tell The Verge, but that doesn't mean priming brands for upcoming partnerships and forging business relationships isn't worth doing. At the very least, Snapchat's instruction manual defines a snap for the first time: "A 1- 10 second photo or video sent to one or a few friends that disappears after viewing."
Check out the full deck, embedded below:
Snapchat business deck