Samsung will be showing its rumored virtual reality headset at its upcoming product event in early September, The Verge has learned, where the company is widely expected to announce the Galaxy Note 4. The headset — codenamed "Project Moonlight" — appears to be a bit like Google's Cardboard, a box with lenses that can effectively turn a smartphone display into an immersive world.
Oculus may be involved
Oculus — which uses a Note 3 display in some of its newer headsets — has previously been reported to be tied up with this project, a nod to the fact that modern smartphones have large, ultra-high-resolution displays and enough sensors to accomplish much of the orientation that a full virtual reality system needs. It's not known whether Oculus worked on the goggles pictured here, or whether the production version will look any different when it's shown on stage.
Besides the lenses, Project Moonlight appears to have a focus dial and may have a Micro USB connection to the phone. The headset is pictured here next to a Galaxy S5, but given the positioning alongside the Note 4 launch, it's almost certain that the newest phone in Samsung's smartphone stable will be compatible. A lid appears to be used to hold the phone in place once it's connected.
We should learn more at the September 3rd event three weeks from now, which will be held both in New York and at the IFA trade show in Berlin.