The Apple TV is adding access to a new channel today: Showtime. The channel's Showtime Anytime service is now available through the Apple TV, and it allows subscribers to watch any of the network's original series and on-demand programming. Perhaps most notably, it also allows subscribers to watch what's being broadcast live on Showtime, which isn't a common feature among these streaming apps. That means that if there's a television show debuting or a live event being broadcast, Showtime subscribers without access to a cable box won't have to wait until it comes on-demand later to watch it.
Showtime Anytime has been available on a number of other devices before now, including the Xbox 360 and the Roku. Apple has really been playing catch-up on how much the Apple TV can offer, but it's been doing a good job of expanding its capabilities over the past year, finally bringing much-demanded services like HBO Go to its platform. Showtime marks another strong addition to its growing ranks — though Apple still has quite a ways to go if it wants to match the quantity of channels that its competitors offer.